Alaska Lanes

Located at 10639 Spur Hwy,
Kenai, Alaska. 907-283-3314

Hotel Information

Kings Inn
Four (4) minutes from Lanes
$68-$89 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Uptown Hotel
Four (4) minutes from Lanes
$64-$100 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Katmai Motel
Across the street from Lanes
$49-$59 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Kenai Merit Inn
Five (5) minutes from Lanes
$60-$70 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

King Salmon Motel
Fifteen (15) minutes from Lanes
$60-$70 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Soldotna Inn
Fifteen (15) minutes from Lanes
$48-$58 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Duck Inn
Ten (10) minutes from Lanes
$40-$50 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Goodnight Inn
Fifteen (15) minutes from Lanes
$52-$62 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

Riverside House
Fifteen (15) minutes from Lanes
$62-$70 + tax per night
When making your reservation, mention - Alaska State Bowling Tournament

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