Alaska Men's 700 Club



    A. Name of Organization

        1.  The name of this organization is the Alaska 700 Men’s Bowling Club.

    B. Purpose

        1. The purpose of this club is, but not limited too, the following:

            a. To provide an annual tournament for members of the Alaska 700 Men’s Bowling Club.

    C. Funding

        1. The organizational funding will be through membership dues and charitable Gaming.


        A. Membership Qualifications

            1. Membership shall be granted to all male bowlers who reside in the State of Alaska and have bowled a scratch 700 or

better series in ABC sanctioned competition.

            2. Membership shall be granted to those male bowlers who have joined the National 700 Bowling Club of America

        B. Dues

            1. Dues are established by the Board of Directors and are not refundable. They are payable in advance and due at date set each by the Board of Directors.

                a. Dues period is from August 15 through August 14 of the following year. 

                b. Members not paid by December 31 shall be considered as non-members and will have to re-apply for reinstatement by the Board of Directors.

                c. Reinstatement fee will be set by the Board of Directors.

        C. Delinquency

1.         Any member of the Club who is delinquent in dues for a period of thirty (30) days shall be notified of the delinquency.  If the delinquent member pays dues by December 20, he shall be granted membership in good standing.

D.         Membership Classifications

                        1.         Active Membership

                                    a.         Annual Dues - $25.00

                                                (1)        Benefits

                                                            (a)        Annual Tournament Eligibility

                                                            (b)        Annual Banquet Eligibility

                                                            (c)        Update Newsletters


                        2.         Inactive Membership

                                    a.         Annual Dues - $5.00

                                                (1)        Benefits

                                                            (a)        Annual Banquet Eligibility

                                                            (b)        Update Newsletters

                                                            (c)        Annual Membership Cards

                                                            (d)        Other past members shall be carried on a list which will be            activated each year at the time of request of dues.

            E.         Classification Upgrades

                        1.         Inactive members may upgrade their classification by paying an additional $20.00 by no later than the cut off date of the Qualifying Tournament, here after known as the Qualifier.


                A.         Directors

                        1.         The governing body of this Club shall be the Board of Directors, which has authority over and is responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the Club.

            B.         Composition of the Board

                        1.         The Board of Directors consist of seven (7) persons plus president, vice-president and Secretary-Treasurer/Chapter Pin Buoy, elected by and from the regular membership.

            C.         Election of Officers

                        1.         Election of officers will be held at the annual meeting.

            D.         Term of Office

                        1.         The term of officers and directors shall be one year.

            E.         Vacancies

                        1.         If a vacancy occurs on the Board for any reason, the position shall be filled for the unexpired potion of the term by the Board.

            F.         Meetings

                        1.         Board of Directors

                                    a.         The Board of Directors shall meet at least annually at the time of the Annual Tournament.  Meetings may also be called by the President.  Written or verbal notice of the time and location of any meeting, shall be given at least five (5) days in advance.

                                    b.         The presence of forty percent (40%) of the directors shall constitute a quorum.

                                    c.         Proxy voting is not permitted.



                        2.         General Membership

                                    a.         The Board of Directors shall call a meeting of the general membership at the time of the Annual Tournament.  Other general membership meetings may also be called by the President.


                                    b.         The presence of forty percent (40) of the Board of Directors and 5 regular members shall constitute a quorum.

                                    c.         Proxy voting is not permitted.

                        3.         Compensation

a.      Officers and Directors shall not be compensated for their services.  Unless compensation is determined by the General Membership at the Annual Meeting.

b.      Secretary/ Treasurer shall receive compensation not to exceed $2000.00 a year.


                A.         The Club shall hold one tournament a year.

                        1.         Qualifying Tournament

                                    a.         A qualifying tournament for Active members shall be held at a time set by the

                                                club’s membership at the annual meeting.

                                                b.         This  tournament shall determine the final field of Sixty-four (64) bowlers, based

upon each bowler's individual scratch total pin-fall to advance to the Annual 700 Club Tournament.

            (1)        The number of bowlers proceeding to the Annual 700 Tournament shall                               be determined by the amount of past champions of the last ten (10)                                   tournaments seeded in the Annual 700 Tournament.  EXAMPLE: Nine                                past champions seeded, top twenty-three (23) advanced to Annual 700                          Club Tournament. Seven past champions seeded, top twenty-five (25)                                   advanced to Annual 700 Club Tournament , etc.

                                    (2)        Entry fee for this tournament shall be set by the Board of Directors.                                                           Minimum of $50.00 plus lineage and tournament expense, if any.

                                                (3)        Entries shall close at a date set by the Board of Directors.

                                                (4)        This tournament will consist of a format to be determined by the    tournament director, with approval of a majority of the Board of             Directors.

                        2.         Annual 700 Club Tournament

                                    a.         This tournament will be held in February on a date set by the Board of Directors.

                                    b.         This tournament will be a two day event.

                                    c.         This tournament will be a two (2) game, double elimination format.

d.            Entrants for this tournament shall be determined by the Qualifying Tournament.

e.            The past champions of the last ten years shall be seeded to the Annual     Tournament.

      (1)  As of the 1995 Tournament those champions will only be seeded for 5                          years.

                                    f.          Past Champions who are seeded for the tournament will pay the same fee as the

                                                Qualifier and will have to be an active member.

g.            To be seeded as a Past Champion in the Annual Tournament, their Active Membership Fee and Annual Tournament Entry Fee must be paid by the closing      date of the entries.

h.            Entry Fees for the Annual Tournament will not be refunded unless approved by

      the Board of Directors

                                    i.          If for some reason a past champion cannot participate the next high qualifier will

                                                be ask to bowl. 

V.           COMMITTEES

                A.         Subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, the President may appoint such committees as

                        are deemed necessary.  Each committee shall be chaired by a director, appointed by the

                        President, and may

                        include representatives of Club members who are not directors. The term of any committee shall

                        expire annually or at such time as the committee's objectives are accomplished.

            B.         The President and Secretary shall be an ex-officio member each committee.

VI.       RULES

A.         The Board of Directors may establish rules that are consistent with these bylaws for the policies,    

            procedures, and programs of the Club.  At all meetings of the members and the Board of

            Directors, the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Revised, shall, to the extent not

            inconsistent with these bylaws govern the proceedings.


                A.         All proposed amendments to the bylaws must contain the signature of the proposers giving full name, address, telephone numbers and the reason for the proposal. The person(s) submitting the proposed amendment shall be invited to the general membership to speak on their amendment.

1.                   Amendments must come from current paid members and be submitted no later than thirty (30) days, prior to the Annual general membership meeting.


                A.         In the event the Alaska 700 Club ceases to operate all remaining funds remaining in the Alaska 700 Club  Gaming Account shall be distributed to the Alaska Young American Bowling Alliance Scholarship fund.                   



As amended by the Alaska 700 Club, February 17,2001